President Trump’s Promised “Muslim Ban”


 President Trump made an executive order this weekend that all people traveling to the U.S. from Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, and Somalia, all Muslim majority countries, will not be granted access into the country for 90 days. He also put a hold on the United States’ refugee system for 120 days. The reason for this is the same reason President Trump called for a “Muslim ban” throughout his campaign, and that is to give the United States time to review and implement the most secure policies to protect against potential terrorists. President Trump’s executive order lacks many important details about the logistics of this order, and it was poorly executed and quickly disapproved by many protesters at U.S. airports. An example of the poor execution of this order is that green card and visa holders are being affected, even though they have been through the application process for those permits, a process President Trump has not expressed disapproval of.

 We are no longer accepting refugees into the U.S. People fleeing countries that are broken and war struck can no longer come here to live and work. Some say this is the only way to crack down on the way we process immigrants and refugees that could be apart of terrorist organizations like ISIS. But no American had been killed by a terrorist from these seven countries, and the terrorists that have attacked the U.S. in the past have not come from these seven. This order could have been implemented in a way that suspended green cards for a period of time and revamped the way we process the immigrants and refugees that want to live here.

 This executive order shows just how much power we have given to President Trump. The way many Americans have been coping with the election results is by telling themselves that President Trump made these crazy promises of the wall and banning Muslims just to get votes, and when he is elected, he wouldn’t be able to do this without the Congress’ blessing.  But now that President Trump has been in office for a week, he has already signed many executive orders that are linked to these crazy promises he has made to his supporters. The next four years of the Trump administration will be interesting if these types of executive orders keep up and President Trump keeps appointing these questionable officials to office.