The problem with cancel culture


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Cancel culture is a social practice in which one is renounced by a social group for one’s past or current wrongdoings. Typically celebrities or internet creators are the ones being canceled, but it isn’t uncommon for students to cancel a peer or communities consisting of zoomers and millennials to be canceling a friend for saying insensitive things. 


Cancel culture wouldn’t be an issue if it had been focused on fully functioning adults committing heinous acts, but recently it’s been spiraling out of hand. Canceling teenagers for their personal goals, who their parents voted for, or being a consumer of certain brands. We’ve seen it all. 


Lovely Peaches is an internet comedian notable for her ruthless and disturbing humor. She’s the best example of someone not deserving of their fame, considering Peaches has made insensitive rape jokes, even admitted to letting her infant daughter become a victim. Her final push before she was completely off social media was when she claimed she had hired a man to force himself onto Charli D’amelio. She had also lost custody of her daughter. Peaches had long overstayed her welcome on the internet. 


But of course, there are moments it’s abused its power, severely.  Charli D’amelio lost 5 million followers overnight after having said she would have wanted 100 million followers on her 1 millionth follower anniversary. That was all it took for 5 million people to hate her. There are serious flaws.


“it’s not as stupid as people say it is, but we shouldn’t be canceling people for small incidents in the past. Rather we should cancel people that are making mistakes right now” That’s Ara Jabbar’s take on cancel culture. “Also going back to someone’s past depending on what age they did it they kinda deserve to be canceled, like someone at the age of 35 who was like extremely racist at 25 can’t really be defended like they had the brain capacity to not be racist but they still choose to be.” He adds.


With its flaws, cancel culture arguably is doing more harm than good. With only a few deserving creators being canceled every now and again, most of the victims happen to be barely young adults.