A green opportunity

Copyright 2007, 2015 by David Burns. All rights reserved.

The Fairfax County Environmental Quality Advisory Council (EQAC) is seeking a current sophomore or junior to serve from July 2017 through June 2018 as a full voting member of the council. According to their website, the EQAC is, “An advisory group that has been appointed by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors to advise the Board on environmental matters.” The Council is made up of one citizen representative from each Magisterial District, four at-large members, and one student representative. Each member is appointed by the Board of Supervisors to serve a three-year term, except the student member, who serves during their junior or senior year of high school.

In order to stay in touch with the people they represent and serve, the EQAC “holds a public hearing to obtain citizen input on issues of environmental concern.” The public is greatly encouraged to attend and share views on the state of the environment and to identify any environmental issues important to Fairfax County. In essence, the EQAC is a local organization that prioritizes staying in touch with the citizens it represents, and welcomes a variety of views regarding the environment.

As a student representative of EQAC, and a full voting member of the council, the student representative would be able to influence and shape Fairfax County Government’s environmental policies. Which means that students would be able to have a say in the environmental issues they hold in high importance. In addition, a student representative would be able to make a positive impact on the environmental quality of the community, and of course, this position would provide an incredibly unique experience to put on a college application.

Along with these wonderful benefits, there are some responsibilities the EQAC wants students to be aware of. The appointment criteria on the application dictates students, “Must be able to attend the regularly scheduled council meeting each second Wednesday of the month and must be a [current] sophomore or junior in good standing who will be a junior or senior during the year of the appointed term. ”

Hana Burkly, a former Oakton High School student, served as the student representative for EQAC and described the experience as, “a rare opportunity for a student.” And that, “ it [was] a great privilege to serve on the Council. Student members will gain invaluable experience not just from learning about environmental issues, but also from working with adults who possess a wealth of knowledge and passion for the environment.”

Another OHS student, Kevin Sun, spoke highly of the experience at EQAC. “Serving as the student member to the Fairfax County EQAC has been an invaluable opportunity, from monthly meetings to the annual public hearing. EQAC plays an active role in county environmental policy, and being a part of this council has allowed me explore my interests as an environmentalist and student. ” Adding that, “The student member of the EQAC is uniquely situated to observe and inform the policy process at the most local level, an educationally rewarding experience. ”

When it comes to the actual application process, the EQAC would like students to demonstrate an interest in, and understanding of, environmental matters in a 500 word essay to be written on an environmental topic of the students choice. Interested student must also provide a transcript or list of courses and marks for grades 9, 10, and 11 if applicable. Applications can be mailed to the address listed on the application, or submitted online to the email specified in the application. Applications are due by April 28th, 2017.
As mentioned before, current sophomores and juniors are eligible for the position, and the term would last from July 2017 to June 2018. If there are any questions, the EQAC instructs students to refer to their science department share (Mrs. Bingham Room), their Career Center counselor (Ms. Collins Room), or their own counselor.

Get involved and apply to the EQAC! Have a lasting effect on your community and your environment.