A large portion of Oakton students are athletes or are physically active, so it is very  important for them to eat right to keep them fueled for the day. Here are 6 superfoods to keep athletes healthy all day:




Oatmeal is an excellent way to start your day since breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Oatmeal is loaded with fibers that help lower cholesterol and body fat levels and can increase intestinal health. Oatmeal also contains proteins and can be topped with other foods like almond butter or fruits like blueberries, strawberries, and bananas to give extra proteins and vitamins. Lastly, although shunned by some weight-loss fanatics, oatmeal is a great source of carbohydrates which gives athletes a great boost of energy needed to get through practice and training.


Greek Yogurt



Another breakfast option, Greek yogurt is an enjoyable option to get your daily intake of dairy. This is important because dairy products, especially Greek yogurt, contain calcium which is very important in keeping bones healthy. Calcium strengthens and thickens bones and is very important for athletes in high-impact sports, especially runners, who often get shin splints or stress fractures. Like oatmeal, Greek yogurt can also be topped with fruits or granola for additional vitamins.





Salmon is a lean protein, which is protein that is low in fat which can also help build muscle if eaten in healthy amounts. Salmon also has omega 3 fatty acids that can help reduce soreness in muscles and help with recovery. Medical studies have even shown evidence of salmon reducing chances of heart disease.





   There’s a reason why Popeye was unstoppable when he had a can of spinach at hand. Spinach is low in fat and cholesterol, but is loaded with health benefits. Spinach contains calcium, iron, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, E, and K, just to name a few of the many health factors in spinach. Just a single cup of spinach contains 0.86 grams of protein, 30 milligrams of calcium, and 167 milligrams of potassium. Spinach greatly aids health problems as well. It lowers blood pressure and chances of getting cancer, asthma, and diabetes. If you don’t like spinach plain, you can always put it in salads and smoothies for added health benefits.




   Eggs are high in digestible proteins, meaning all the protein from the eggs are absorbed into the body. Eggs are also high in omega-3 fatty acids that help with reduce soreness. Eggs are high in iron, phosphorus, selenium, and vitamins A, B12, B2 and B5 and even contain antioxidants that protect against eye diseases. Eggs are also very filling foods, making them a perfect meal or snack to eat before practices or in the morning to fuel your day.





   Blueberries are a superfood for athletes because they help improve an athlete’s rate of recovery following a workout or practice. This is related to their high levels of antioxidants. They also contain vitamin C that helps immune system health and carbohydrates that give athletes lasting energy.