Are New Years Resolutions becoming obsolete?

Eat better, lose weight, be more organized, better grades, and minimize screen time. These are common modern-day goals people make for the new years, as well as more personal, individual ones. But for many people, it’s difficult to follow through with their plans. They might start off strong in the beginning and then gradually lose momentum as other responsibilities get in the way. What once seemed like an attainable goal become unattainable or just not important. Maybe people are just lazy or don’t care about resolutions anymore.! It’s hard to stick to something and make a change. Can these yearly aspirations be reached? Or is it becoming redundant goal were making it so we can say we tried? Is it possible to stick to resolutions? Oakton students and teachers shared their resolutions for the new year and the past and how it went.

Bianca Gatus, a senior, has made resolutions since she was a child. They were basic resolutions like “be a better kid and watch less tv.” According to Bianca, “I usually forget about them within 2 weeks into the school year.” She said she didn’t accomplish her goals because she was a kid. This year Bianca made the resolution to take better care of her herself in all aspects of her life.

Ms. Gombos, a 9th and 11th grade English Honors teacher, has typically set resolutions to eat healthier. Even though she is not a big fan of dieting, she aims to take care of her body and give it the proper nutrients. In the past, she’s has stressed the importance of exercise and being more active. According to Ms.Gombos, for the most part, she has been successful with her goals. ”I certainly still order a pizza on the weekends or go out to dinner and eat foods that aren’t so healthy, but during the workweek, I stay focused. , “said Ms. Gombos It helped her to create a plan. She never goes grocery shopping while hungry to limit the temptation to buy unhealthy snacks. She also stared meal prep so that she already has healthy meals at home. This year Ms. Gombos made the resolution to register to run for her first half marathon.