A day without women
Women’s March organizer’s take action within the first 100 days
On January 21, the day after the 2017 inauguration, women made history by organizing one of the biggest marches in history. To continue the fight for equal rights, the women’s march organizers have coordinated a women’s strike along with thirty other countries worldwide. Women were encouraged to skip work (paid or unpaid), wear red in solidarity, and avoid spending money. The main goal of the women’s strike was for society to realize how vital women are in everyday societal situation‘s. They are also protesting against income inequality and Donald Trump’s abortion and healthcare policies. Although the turnout for the strike was significantly less than the women’s march, it did result in many school districts around the country to shut down. This was due to the amount of requested absence and the lack of resources in order to properly run schools during the strike.
In New York City, hundreds of strikers gathered in a Midtown Block. According to the Women’s March on Washington, ten of their organizers were arrested for blocking traffic. In Washington D.C. women and men rallied near the White House to protest the “global gag rule”, which bans federal funding for any organization overseas that considers abortion as a family choice. Many strikers there brought along their children to have them experience a piece of history. While many people were there to protest the “global gag rule”, many others came with signs just consisting of “RESIST” because they have so many concerns about the current situation.