A License to Exercise Less


“Exercise is something every individual should set as their goal and can do nothing but help you.” Wrong. Could our olympic medalists be at a health risk because of competing? Although everyone should aim to fit in some sort of physical activity in their daily schedule, too little or too much of exercise may be what kills you.

It seems to be obvious that just a few exercises will not help you. From a poll recently conducted in Oakton High School, many said that even the slightest amount of exercise will help one in the long term. Many teenagers are consumed in their work trying to impress colleges and in modern technology, leading to a sedentary lifestyle. Even in the older generation, exercise is just something they will do if they have time or are in the mood for it. However, many seem to think that running once a month will benefit their health. Exercise only has short term effects such as improving mood and well-being unless pursued regularly.

Recently, the Mayo Clinic conducted a study with 3,200 participants in analyzing the effects of exercise, specifically concerned in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults (CARDIA). The participants logged in their information about their body and exercise schedule. The information fell into three groups-participants that did not meet the recommended amount of exercise, participants that met the recommended amount of exercise, and a group that exercised excessively. Using this information, the clinic was able to see that those that exercised excessively (3 times the amount of exercise recommended) had a 27% increased risk of developing coronary artery calcification (CAC). CAC is important as it is a good predictor of heart disease. Another study published from the NIH stated that strenuous jogging lead to death as opposed to light jogging.

Exercise should be done in moderation. As the population is widely diverse in daily physical activity, ranging from a complete sedentary lifestyle to an excessive amount of exercise, it needs to be more clear of what the objective of exercise is and it shouldn’t go overboard. Usually, people are encouraged to exercise more, however those that exercise day and night are never discouraged from exercising, but rather are looked up to. However this isn’t to say that not exercising is okay, as just a little to none can also harm you. Exercise is so much commitment  Exercise has a softened touch of seeing that is it only good, but it should be publicized more about all the effects of exercise.