What does your screen look like?
In the age of new technology, we’re always looking at screens and holding a phone in our hand. Since having personal phones has become the norm, the way we use them has morphed into an entire aspect of our personalities. Taking one look at someone’s home screen can show you who they are and what they’re like. These Oakton students were kind enough to let us take a peek at what their everyday tool looks like, and how they use it.
Q: What app do you use the most (besides social media) on your phone, and why?
A: Definitely Hulu. I use it watch all my shows. (Colleen McGuire, 10)
Q: What social media app do you use the most, and why?
A: I’d say that I mostly use Facebook because it’s where the Drama updates come from. I post some updates for Drama, and when I do it’s usually on there. I also use Facebook for connecting with my family back in Nepal. I haven’t really seen any other social media apps introduced to Nepal, so I utilize Facebook as much as I can. (Samba Pathak, 10)
Q: What’s the story behind your wallpaper?
A: I really appreciate cleanliness and minimalism, so my wallpaper is white and I put all black and white apps on my homescreen to keep a nice theme. I don’t consider myself a perfectionist, but I appreciate consistency and order. (Ashleigh Tain, 10)
Q: Do you think people our age depend too much on their phones? What do you think about yourself?
A: I spend a lot of time on my phone. Too much. Probably because we’re so attracted to social media and the things our phones provide us so we feel like we don’t have to have conversations with each other. (Jazzy Young, 11)
Q: What do you think phones will be able to do in the future that they can’t do now?
A: Firstly, and most importantly, I think the FBI will be able to spy on us. Also, I think phones will be able to determine someone’s social status to a much higher extent. Lastly, I think phones will eventually be our new credit cards, in a sense that it’s to be used everywhere to pay for things. (Kari Tan, 11)
Q: What’s the last text you’ve sent or received, that you’re comfortable sharing?
A: “And that the architect is most likely not directly involved in that stuff”. It’s about the Coffee House project for AP World, in my history group chat. It makes no sense and it has some pretty bad grammar. I cringed. (Amber Donaldson, 10)
Q: What’s the best mobile game?
A: Dune. It’s simple, plus easy to play and navigate. (Tyler Within, 9)
Q: What’s the last thing you do on your phone before you go to sleep?
A: I check Instagram and I like every single post I can. I can’t go to sleep until everyone’s photo is liked. It’s a minor problem. (Joe Wong, 10)

My name is Emily and I am so excited to be a member of the editorial board again for my senior year at Oakton. My favorite articles to write typically...