February Fitness Buddies

Buddies and students gather after school to engage in various student led activities

On February 26th, Oakton Best Buddies hosted their monthly Fitness Buddies event in which passionate members gathered together in the Cafeteria for an afternoon of fun and fitness. A number of Oakton teachers led various activities in the gym for to get the buddies and students up and ready to take on the rest of the day. The “exercise stations” lasted for a few minutes each, just enough to get the buddies and students moving for the next station. These activities included a number of common exercises, including jumping jacks, squats, planks, and assorted yoga. The meeting allowed students to connect with their buddies, as well as their peers, working together toward a common goal.

Not only are monthly Fitness Buddies events a great way to stay in shape, but a method of getting involved with the Oakton Best Buddies club. No matter your current participation in the club or whether or not you involve in events, Fitness Buddies provides a great way for new members to join the club and become more involved in the Oakton community. Not only does Best Buddies organization provide students with the opportunity to make a mark on the Oakton community, but allows students to make a difference in the world outside of Oakton.

Best Buddies is a nationwide organization that allows students the opportunity to promote inclusion within their communities, striving to create an equal opportunity for students with disabilities in school environments. Joining Best Buddies can be a great advantage for students in helping those around them and overall bettering the community.