The rise of super connectors


   What makes one a connector? To become successful in the modern world, you have to gain knowledge. However, it’s not about what you know but whom you know. Connectors are those people who know a lot of people. Also, the relationship is mutually beneficial. Not to be confused with networkers, who have a poor reputation, that is; the classic ‘I’m talking to you but I’m looking over your shoulder for the next person I’m going to jam my business card to.’ Instead, they genuinely love connecting with people and have a knack for it. They engage in meaningful conversations that lead to follow up plans.

   It’s all about the introductions. A lot of people assume that one has to have a pre-existing network in order to be a successful connector. This is not true, one has to have their ear out and recognize what the other person needs. This ,in turn, will make the introducer gain the most useful skills in business. Most people ,however, have a startup network, perhaps the industry they’re in.

   In order to become a successful connector, one must first play to their strengths. Whether they’re an introvert or extrovert they should leverage their skills accordingly. While extroverts may take charge of a conversation they must learn how to properly do it without ending up being one-sided while introverts should operate within their comfort zones to become most effective.

   Other people come into play too. Take, for instance, a connector learns about something and introduces the right people to it but consider how the connector got that information. Somebody else had to tell them about it. So what does that person become? Maybe it was just random but it doesn’t seem so. They connect connectors with new information. Other people who come into play are Mavens.

   Some would say a Maven is someone who solves their own problems by solving other people’s problems. They become fulfilled or satisfy their emotional needs, but they are in no way pursuers. They play the role of both the student and teacher. They seek knowledge.

   In a book by author Erica Dhawan called Get Big Things Done: The Power of Connectional Intelligence describes three types of connectors; thinkers who brainstorm ideas, enablers who introduce people to each other and connection executors who make things happen. One just has to decide which one they are.

   Lastly, connectors don’t expect anything back. Being transactional is like committing social suicide to a connector. Instead they should focus on showing the social capital and value they have thus giving the other party an incentive to know them just like a peacock shows off its feathers.This will in turn have a domino effect and bear fruits.