Things to do in Madeira

Why Madeira, Portugal is the best place to travel to

Photo by Isabella Ingrao

Spring/Summer break is a great time to seek travel opportunities around the world, but for most Oakton students, Madeira, Portugal doesn’t even cross their mind. Excluded from most ‘top 10 travel destination’ articles, Madeira is known to those who find it as a hidden gem. Filled with many incredible attractions such as paragliding, canyoneering, tobogganing and whale tours, Madeira is a great place for high school students to experience new things all while taking a well-deserved leisurely break.

Photo by Nicole Wheeler


Although paragliding is an activity found across the world, Madeira’s incredible views make it a unique, once-in a lifetime encounter. Views of the crystal clear waters, rolling hills, quaint villages, and hidden rainforests are experienced from a birds eye view of the island.

Average cost: 70per person 

Experience: none needed


Photo by Nicole Wheeler


Interested in repelling down waterfalls, climbing cliffs, and experiencing natural waterslides? Canyoneering might just be the perfect thing. Led by experienced tour guides in the mountains of the island, canyoneering is a safe, fun-filled adventure catered to each person’s level of expertise. An eye-opening experience like no other, canyoneering should be at the top of everyone’s Madeira bucket list.

Average cost: 70per person 

Experience: Level one- none needed, level two- some experience, level three- high experience


Photo by Isabella Ingrao

Local Markets/Cafés

Open most days a week across the island, local markets and cafés cater towards Madeira’s beautiful seasons and showcase the blossoming life of the island. Filled with flowers, seafood, and of course, bananas, the local farmers markets offer a wide range of food, souvenirs, and much more.


Photo by Isabella Ingrao

Other things to do in Madeira:

  • Try a local McDonald’s
    • Although it seems unexpected, Madeira’s multiple McDonalds offer a wider selection of burgers, fries and flurries than found in the United States.
  • Sand beaches
    • Although most of its beaches are known for being rocky and lacking white sand, Madeira does surprisingly have black sand beaches located on the coast of the island. The most famous one, recommended by locals, is Ponta do Sol.
  • Tobogganing
    • Famous to Madeira specifically, tobogganing is a well-known tourist attraction. Despite the long lines, tobogganing is a fun experience that is great for families and is inclusive of everyone.
  • Skyline tours
    • Need a step down from paragliding, but still want to experience Madeira from a bird’s eye view? This is the perfect opportunity. A slow moving box attached to a zipline-like mechanical process carries the volunteer on a gorgeous scenery tour of the island.
  • Whale tours
    • Pilot whales and sperm whales, both exquisite whale groups, are commonly seen throughout the entire year in Madeira. The whales can reach lengths longer than the tour boat, and when diving, call for a picture perfect moment.
  • Local cafés
    • The most commonly eaten meal in Madeira would be a slice of garlic bread paired with the beloved Madeiran wine. These two food choices can be found almost anywhere on the island, but several small, locally owned restaurants (multiple with Michelin stars) throw big restaurants off the table.