Where should your next Christmas vacation be?

‘Tis the season for gifts and joy to the world! Preparation for Dec. 25 has began and stores have started selling Christmas themed decoration since Halloween ended. With Thanksgiving around the corner, flights are being booked and the hottest new gifts are out and ready to be purchased, but, deep down, what do you really want to do? Has school been stressing you out? Is the U.S. too boring for you? Have you ever wanted to travel, but have no idea where to go for the holidays? If you’re up for an adventure this holiday season, stay tuned for awesome destination suggestions!

What do New York, Los Angeles, Nuremberg, and Barcelona have in common? They’re all the highest rated destinations for holiday travel due to their tourist attractions, parades, shopping malls, food, and hospitality. Depending on if you want to stay in the U.S. or travel internationally, there’s a big difference in money being spent. In regards to travelling internationally, you will have to pay for your flight, food, a hotel, and a transportation Although traveling in the states includes a hotel and food fee, you still have the option to drive to your preferred destination whereas going to a foreign country you can only fly on a plane. This also causes more money to be spent. If you’re looking to travel to Barcelona or Nuremberg, the flights range from $480-$1,300. Considering that you catch a flight to New York or Los Angeles, you’ll be spending only about $100-$600 depending on your preferred airline.

Thanksgiving and Christmas are times to show gratitude towards family members by visiting and spending quality and even make great memories. If you’re willing to drive for about 12 hours, be prepared for intense traffic. The roads will be packed with cars and buses full of people who are too visiting their distant loved ones. This will be the busiest travel season thus far. AAA is expecting most U.S. drivers to pay the highest Thanksgiving gas prices this holiday season since 2014, but gas prices won’t stop the 89.3% of travelers from hitting the road. There is an estimated 45.5 million Americans in the “ Holiday Migration” for this year. If you’re not visiting family for the holidays, there’s always popular cities that are ready for tourists.

Altogether, traveling this holiday season will be a worthy and unforgettable experience ready to be endured with your family. Especially if you’re traveling abroad, you are sure to interact with a new and eye opening environment and reminisce about your events. Whether you’re revisiting family or sightseeing for the first time in another country, you’re sure to make and share new memories with loved ones.