An Organizational Tool that Actually Works

Enter myHomework Student Planner, Your New Best Friend

If you’re a student who has strived to maintain some level of organization throughout your years in school, chances are you have reinvented your organizational methods countless times. From scribbling to the fullest capacity of a school-issued planner to making a supposedly life-changing task list to spending hours bullet-journaling, you’ve probably experimented with numerous strategies in attempt to free yourself from the stress that accompanies the pressing demands of school. Might I add that the success of these methods is almost always short-lived, just like that of New Year’s resolutions.

Recently, I’ve made use of an organizational tool that I actually believe will make a lasting impression. Although I’m usually highly suspicious of the promises apps make regarding their ability to change your lifestyle, I must admit that the myHomework app has been incredibly effective. It allows a user to track their homework and reminders for each of their classes in a simplistic, reasonable manner. Could the myHomework app help you finally achieve organizational supremacy? Give it a try!

Start by inputting your classes, which is as simple as pressing the “+” icon on the classes page. Of course, I color-coded mine burgundy and gold. The app’s creators must have understood the color-day schedule our school and many others stick to; you can also select the frequency of your classes over a two week period and the app will set its calendar to indicate which days are Burgundy and Gold. Plus, it will make the default due date for the homework assignments you insert to be the next day you actually have class. Don’t worry if this sounds slightly confusing, as this is the most complicated part of the app and is surprisingly functional.

The app’s mainface design is simple; you can add an assignment or reminder with even more ease than jotting something in your planner by pressing the “+” icon. You can choose to specify many or few details about the assignment, and it can also be an event such as a quiz. Whatever it is, it will fall under the category of the class it is for. The app’s mainface is simple and is essentially an organized list of everything you have to do for each of your classes. I have found that over-complicating my organizational system leads to failure and confusion, and this app validates the effectiveness of simplicity. I have no worries whatsoever that the app will malfunction and cause me to miss a deadline; I trust it more than I would myself to entertain a recurring reminder. With so many assignments, it is sometimes really easy to get lost in all that you have to do, but this app helps by leaving assignments and reminders in your dashboard until you complete them.

If you wish to, you can look at the calendar the app includes, but it’s not essential. The app automatically inputs your assignments and important dates in its calendar along with showing burgundy and gold days, so it can be helpful if you need it.

The best feature of this app is completing tasks. Don’t we all love the feeling of crossing things off a long laundry list? The myHomework app certainly cultivates that feeling, presenting a long list that simply beckons for you to cross something off. It’s irresistible, and you can only cross something off if you do a homework assignment, which works wonders for your productivity.

“The app is different from other planners I’ve used,” says Ray Forman, a sophomore and enthusiastic myHomework app user. He recommends it for its reliability in facilitating assignment completion as well as its helpful features. He also points out that the app is convenient to check and use, which is key. “It really works for me. I use my computer and phone throughout my day, and I can update my homework whenever I have access,” he says.

I am by no means an advocate for the use of certain apps; I find many to be superfluous and unnecessary, but the simplicity of the myHomework app causes me to think otherwise. It has truly been a helpful tool in my success and well-being at school. Fellow students, there may be hope for your organizational habits after all.

Sources: myHomework Student Planner App and App Store