The classic animated Disney film “Cinderella” was remade into a live action film which premiered on Mar. 13 of this year. Directed by Kenneth Branagh and starring Lily James as Cinderella and Richard Madden as the prince, the remake generally stayed true to the animated original, although there were a few twists including the prince and Cinderella meeting before the ball.
In addition, Branagh’s version shows more from the prince’s angle, including pressure from his father and the duke to marry nobility, as well as the never ceasing support of his friend. The live action version also focused more on the childhood of Cinderella while also showing the abusive treatment of the stepmother (Cate Blanchett) while staying child friendly. Those who grew up watching Disney princess movies will not be disappointed, although they may be surprised at times.
This 105 minute, PG movie is perfect for family movie night, or for anyone wanting to reminisce their childhood, happy ending guaranteed.