Directed by Clint Eastwood and distributed nationwide on Jan. 16 by Warner Bros, “American Sniper”, brought in upwards of $200 million in its first ten days. The story of navy SEAL Chris Kyle is portrayed by actor Bradley Cooper, but not without controversy. The movie is rated “R” for excessive violence and explicit language which sparked conflict among many people who did not favor the intense scenes. One scene showed an extremely dangerous conflict that occurred during one of Kyle’s tours in Iraq, where a young child was brutally murdered. As the “most lethal sniper in SEAL history”, Kyle had over 160 confirmed kills, and many of these documented kills were re-enacted in the movie. As an extremely action packed film, audiences across the nation reacted differently. Some people thought negatively of the message that the movie provided, while others enjoyed the so-called “American-ness” packed into the scenes of battle. Overall, the film was extremely successful in terms of box office sales and sparking conversation among Americans.
American Sniper: The latest box office crusher and controversial topic
February 4, 2015
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