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The student news site of Oakton High School

Oakton Outlook

The student news site of Oakton High School

Oakton Outlook

The student news site of Oakton High School

Oakton Outlook

Charlie Williams, Editorial Board

Hi, I’m Charlie! I’m a senior at Oakton, and I’m so excited to be an editor for my second year in journalism. My writing in journalism is mostly A&E, with politics mixed in as well. In my free time I love writing, reading, and cuddling with my dog.

All content by Charlie Williams

Graduation 2021

Charlie Williams, Editorial Board | April 18, 2021

COVID has made this year one of massive unpredictability. From continued school cancellations to mask mandates, 2020-2021 has been anything but normal. Thankfully, a chance at normalcy remains as the...

Sans Senior Year

Charlie Williams, Editorial Board | March 11, 2021

Photo courtesy of Gabriel Benois on Unsplash If a senior had been told last March that their normal high school experience was about to drastically change, they might have laughed it off as a joke....

Small Business, Big Pandemic

Charlie Williams, Editorial Board | January 19, 2021

  Image courtesy of Mike Petrucci on Unsplash The start of COVID-19 saw a multitude of closures, from schools to workplaces, sweep through America, and no industry was hit harder than small businesses....

FOCO: What happened, and what can we learn from it?

Charlie Williams, Editorial Board | November 1, 2020

  Two weeks ago, certain Oakton students-- all of whom will remain anonymous-- got together for a belated homecoming event, aptly dubbed FOCO-- Fake Homecoming. They congregated outside for...

Reinventing Normalcy: Ways that Parents can Prepare for the Strangest Halloween Ever

Charlie Williams, Editorial Board | October 20, 2020

Image courtesy of David Menidrey on Unsplash   A year ago, the idea of having to plan for a socially-distant Halloween could have been laughed off as silly. Now, half a year into a pandemic...

“Tickets to My Downfall” Album Review

Charlie Williams, Editorial Board | October 8, 2020

Image courtesy of   Colson “Machine Gun Kelly” Baker is no stranger to backlash and notoriety. It was not two years ago when he was trading bitter barbs with rap legend...

The Phenomenon of Tiger King

Charlie Williams, Editorial Board | May 11, 2020

Image courtesy of Entertainment Tonight How does the average teen fill the days of quarantine that seem to blend together into one? Do they spend all their time behind a desk, prepping for their...

Oakton in the Works

Oakton in the Works

Haley Longfellow and Charlie Williams | April 24, 2020

PAGE_6&7_RENOVATION Entering the restricted-access entrance to Oakton’s renovation zone, one almost feels like they are entering an alien world. The sounds of the normal school day melt into oblivion...

The Trump Acquittal: a Reshaped USA

Charlie Williams, Editorial Board | February 19, 2020

Image courtesy of Business Insider Two weeks ago, the US Senate voted to acquit President Trump of crimes involving the confirmed request for dirt on Joe Biden from Ukraine. Unless you’ve been...

“Junioritis:” a Form of Procrastination Inspired by Fear

Charlie Williams, Editorial Board | January 14, 2020

Every student on their final leg of learning at Oakton is familiar with the idea of “senioritis.” With the end of the second quarter, most seniors have either gotten into college or finished the...

WHO is Behind the OHS Thoughts Page?

Charlie Williams, Editorial Board | December 13, 2019

Image courtesy of twitter With the daily stresses of school, friends, and family weighing down on every student at Oakton, it can be important to have a place to go to rant, vent, or simply express...

The Danger of an Impeachment Media Storm

Charlie Williams, Editorial Board | October 31, 2019

September 24, 2019-- the fate of American politics was thrown for a loop when President Trump, amid accusations of attempting to investigate a potential rival in the 2020 election, released declassified...

Post Malone’s “Hollywood’s Bleeding” Album Review

Charlie Williams, Editorial Board | September 16, 2019

It’s been over a year since Post Malone’s immensely popular album Beerbongs and Bentleys was released. Now he’s back and better than ever with Hollywood’s Bleeding, released for streaming September...

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Charlie Williams