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The student news site of Oakton High School

Oakton Outlook

The student news site of Oakton High School

Oakton Outlook

The student news site of Oakton High School

Oakton Outlook


Snoozed through COVID

Morgan Pearson, Staff Writer | September 24, 2021

COVID 19 has totally changed our lifestyles in undeniable ways. One of the many things that have been extremely affected is sleeping schedules, yet, not always negatively. As for a study conducted by SleepStandard, 98% of people developed new sleeping...

How societal pressure to “fit in” has propagated the spread of misinformation

Evie Kehoe, Staff Writer | September 22, 2021

In our society, there is a constant pressure to “fit in,” but what does that entail? Does it mean having good grades or having a completely perfect life? No matter what you do, there always seems to be something you can do better to fit in. The...

The future office

Ashley Stewart, Editor | September 22, 2021

Going into the typical nine to five office building, working in a depression-filled cubicle is typical. The grey empty walls and the entire room filled with a feeling of emptiness. The only noise is the telephone ringing before the receptionist picks...

The New Normal

Claudia Messina, Editor in Chief | September 20, 2021

After a year of completely virtual school, students have been living out their “normal” school lives for the past month. Everyone has attempted to readjust to full days in person with class after class and a more strict curriculum, however, some changes...

College decisions taking a toll on students

College decisions taking a toll on students

Shevany Moharir, Editorial Board | April 16, 2021

The past two months have been nothing short of stress and anxiety for current high school seniors awaiting their college decisions. Now more than ever, the pressure of getting into college can be quite overwhelming for many students. In a year of record-high...

Photo courtesy of  Nancy W. Beach

The end of an era

Harriet Limkin, Staff Writer | March 11, 2021

  Picture this: you are sitting in a crowded stadium filled with men and women in suits and hats. You can feel the anticipation as you watch the trainers lead the sleek and muscular greyhounds to the starting box. The buzz of excitement quiets...

How to be productive

Ashley Stewart, Editor | March 10, 2021

Learning how to become a productive person is an important part of being a successful student. The majority of high schoolers are professional procrastinators, which adds to the already stressful life of high school. Getting organized and working on...

Comparing Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines

Comparing Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines

Portia Dai, Editorial Board | January 14, 2021

Below is a closer look at the similarities and differences between the two COVID-19 vaccines.

The increase of mail-in voting this year

Eileen Lincoln, Editor in Chief | November 3, 2020

As of October 27th, only a week before the presidential election, over 64 million Americans have already casted their ballots. Over half of these votes are in primary battleground states - such as Texas, Florida and North Carolina - which may ultimately...

photo courtesy: Element5 Digital

How to fill out the FAFSA form

Sahithi Jammulamadaka, Editor-in-Chief | October 21, 2020

FAFSA, or The Free Application to Federal Student Aid, is a form that current and prospective college students fill out to determine their eligibility for student financial aid. That money can be put towards tuition or room and board (if you choose to...

The problem with the rising popularity of thrifting

Eileen Lincoln, Editor in Chief | October 20, 2020

Over the past few years, the popularity of thrift stores has increased more than ever: with people all over the country looking for cheap deals, unique clothing pieces, and a more eco-friendly way of consuming clothes. While finding a high-end...

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