“GiGi” a film directed by Vincente Minnelli in 1958, has been re-created into the form of a Broadway production with celebrity Vanessa Hudgens as the lead character. The story takes place in Paris during a time of widespread romance amongst its citizens, specifically that of main characters GiGi and Gaston. The history of how the two met is a bit strange as it seems that the age gap between the characters is quite large. Hudgens plays the role of the young GiGi quite well, especially in comparison to the original film. During the second show night at the Kennedy Center, playful bubbles were dispersed from the ceiling across the audience in accordance with the song “The Night They Invented Champagne”. The performance’s audience was very diverse, with ages ranging from small children to elderly people. Overall, “GiGi” was very well done and mimicked the original movie very well. It is a very entertaining performance to attend.